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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 4 of 485 (00%)
_January_, 1850.



Abbey, Account of Strata Florida
Adam and Eve in Paradise (MILTON)
Alfred, Anecdote of King (BEAUTIES OF HISTORY)
Alfred, Character of King (HUME)
Angling, Lines on (DOUBLEDAY)
Antioch, The Siege of (POPULAR DELUSIONS)
Artillery Tactics
Athens, Present Appearance of
Attock, Description of the Fort of

Bacon, Remarks on Lord (D'ISRAELI)
Balloons, Account of
Baltic, Battle of the (CAMPBELL)
Beetle, The
Bell, The Founding of the (MACKAY)
Bible, Value of the (BUCK)
Birds, Appropriateness of the Songs of (DR. JENNER)
Bower-Birds, Description of the
Bridges, Account of Tubular Railway
Bunyan's Wife, Anecdote of (LORD CAMPBELL)
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