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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
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plain was often defaced by them. Probably, we were now on the borders of
the Black Sea. These plains we travelled across and across for many a

Upon quitting this district, the country became far more dreary: it
appeared nothing but a dry and sterile region, the soil being remarkably
hard and slatey. Here we saw many curious figures, and we soon found
that the inhabitants of this desert were mere ciphers. Sometimes they
appeared in vast numbers, but only to be again suddenly diminished.

Our road, after this, wound through a rugged and hilly country, which
was divided into nine principal parts or districts, each under a
different governor; and these again were reduced into endless
subdivisions. Some of them we were obliged to decline. It was not a
little puzzling to perceive the intricate ramifications of the paths in
these parts. Here the natives spoke several dialects, which rendered our
intercourse with them very perplexing. However, it must be confessed
that every step we set in this country was less fatiguing and more
interesting. Our course at first lay all up hill; but when we had
proceeded to a certain height, the distant country, which is most richly
variegated, opened freely to our view.

I do not mean at present to describe that country, or the different
stages by which we advance through its scenery. Suffice it to say, that
the journey, though always arduous, has become more and more pleasant
every stage; and though, after years of travel and labour, we are still
very far from the Temple of Learning, yet we have found on the way more
than enough to make us thankful to the kindness of the friends who first
set us on the path, and to induce us to go forward courageously and
rejoicingly to the end of the journey.
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