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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 13 of 485 (02%)


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Pekin, or Peking, a word which in Chinese means "Northern Capital," has
been the chief city of China ever since the Tartars were expelled, and
is the residence of the Emperor. The tract of country on which it stands
is sandy and barren; but the Grand Canal is well adapted for the purpose
of feeding its vast population with the produce of more fertile
provinces and districts. A very large portion of the centre of the part
of Pekin called the Northern City is occupied by the Emperor with his
palaces and gardens, which are of the most beautiful description, and,
surrounded by their own wall, form what is called the "Prohibited City."


The Grand Canal, which runs about five hundred miles, without allowing
for windings, across the kingdom of China, is not only the means by
which subsistence is brought to the inhabitants of the imperial city,
but is of great value in conveying the tribute, a large portion of the
revenue being paid in kind. Dr. Davis mentions having observed on it a
large junk decorated with a yellow umbrella, and found on enquiry that
it had the honour of bearing the "Dragon robes," as the Emperor's
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