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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 29 of 485 (05%)
keeps up the whole created world. Had you torn that up, the world must
have rushed to ruin. As for the old woman, she was Time, Old Age,
Duration: with her what can wrestle? No man, nor no god, with her. Gods
or men, she prevails over all! And then, those three strokes you
struck--look at these valleys--your three strokes made these." Thor
looked at his attendant Jotun--it was Skrymir. It was, say old critics,
the old chaotic rocky earth in person, and that glove house was some
earth cavern! But Skrymir had vanished. Utgard, with its sky-high gates,
when Thor raised his hammer to smite them, had gone to air--only the
giant's voice was heard mocking; "Better come no more to Jotunheim!"


* * * * *


What an invaluable blessing it is to have the Bible in our own tongue.
It is not only the oldest, but the best book in the world. Our
forefathers rejoiced when they were first favoured with the opportunity
of reading it for themselves. Infidels may reject, and the licentious
may sneer; but no one who ever wished to take away this
foundation-stone, could produce any other equal to it, on which the
structure of a pious mind, a solid hope, a comfortable state, or wise
conduct, could be raised. We are told, that when Archbishop Crammer's
edition of the Bible was printed in 1538, and fixed to a desk in all
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