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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 30 of 485 (06%)
parochial churches, the ardour with which men flocked to read it was
incredible. They who could, procured it; and they who could not, crowded
to read it, or to hear it read in churches. It was common to see little
assemblies of mechanics meeting together for that purpose after the
labour of the day. Many even learned to read in their old age, that they
might have the pleasure of instructing themselves from the Scriptures.

It is recorded of Edward VI., that upon a certain occasion, a paper
which was called for in the council-chamber happened to be out of reach;
the person concerned to produce it took a Bible that lay near, and,
standing upon it, reached down the paper. The King, observing what was
done, ran to the place, and taking the Bible in his hands kissed it, and
laid it up again. This circumstance, though trifling in itself, showed
his Majesty's great reverence for that _best of all books_; and his
example is a striking reproof to those who suffer their Bibles to lie
covered with dust for months together, or who throw them about as if
they were only a piece of useless lumber.

BUCK'S _Anecdotes_.

* * * * *


[Illustration: Letter T.]

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