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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 33 of 485 (06%)
benevolent disposition:--A beggar came to his little castle, and
requested alms. His Queen informed him that they had only one small loaf
remaining, which was insufficient for themselves and their friends, who
were gone abroad in quest of food, though with little hopes of success.
But the King replied, "Give the poor Christian the one half of the loaf.
He that could feed live thousand with five loaves and two fishes, can
certainly make that half of the loaf suffice for more than our
necessities." Accordingly the poor man was relieved; and this noble act
of charity was soon recompensed by a providential store of fresh
provisions, with which his people returned.

Sir Philip Sydney, at the battle near Zutphen, displayed the most
undaunted courage. He had two horses killed under him; and, whilst
mounting a third, was wounded by a musket-shot out of the trenches,
which broke the bone of his thigh. He returned about mile and a half on
horseback to the camp; and being faint with the loss of blood, and
parched with thirst from the heat of the weather, he called for drink.
It was presently brought him; but, as he was putting the vessel to his
mouth, a poor wounded soldier, who happened to be carried along at that
instant, looked up to it with wistful eyes. The gallant and generous
Sydney took the flagon from his lips, just when he was going to drink,
and delivered it to the soldier, saying, "Thy necessity is greater than

Frederick, King of Prussia, one day rang his bell and nobody answered;
on which he opened the door and found his page fast asleep in an
elbow-chair. He advanced toward him, and was going to awaken, him, when
he perceived a letter hanging out of his pocket. His curiosity prompting
him to know what it was, he took it out and read it. It was a letter
from the young man's mother, in which she thanked him for having sent
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