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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 34 of 485 (07%)
her part of his wages to relieve her in her misery, and finished with
telling; him that God would reward him for his dutiful affection. The
King, after having read it, went back softly into his chamber, took a
bag full of ducats, and slipped it with the letter into the page's
pocket. Returning to his chamber, he rang the bell so violently that he
awakened the page, who instantly made his appearance. "You have had a
sound sleep," said the King. The page was at a loss how to excuse
himself and, putting his hand into his pocket by chance, to his utter
astonishment he there found a purse of ducats. He took it out, turned
pale, and looking at the bag, burst into tears without being able to
utter a single word. "What is that?" said the King; "what is the
matter?" "Ah, sire!" said the young man, throwing himself on his knees,
"somebody seeks my ruin! I know nothing of this money which I have just
found in my pocket!" "My young friend," replied Frederick, "God often
does great things for us even in our sleep. Send that to your mother,
salute her on my part, and assure her that I will take care of both her
and you."

_Beauties of History_.

* * * * *


The convent of the Great St. Bernard is situated near the top of the
mountain known by that name, near one of the most dangerous passes of
the Alps, between Switzerland and Savoy. In these regions the traveller
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