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A Social History of the American Negro - Being a History of the Negro Problem in the United States. Including - A History and Study of the Republic of Liberia by Benjamin Brawley
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we now join together in a SOCIETY, wherein the following RULES are
to be observed.

I. It shall be our Endeavor, to Meet in the _Evening_ after the
_Sabbath_; and Pray together by Turns, one to Begin, and another to
Conclude the Meeting; And between the two _Prayers_, a _Psalm_ shall
be sung, and a _Sermon_ Repeated.

II. Our coming to the Meeting, shall never be without the _Leave_ of
such as have Power over us: And we will be Careful, that our Meeting
may Begin and Conclude between the Hours of _Seven_ and _Nine_; and
that we may not be _unseasonably Absent_ from the Families whereto
we pertain.

III. As we will, with the help of God, at all Times avoid all
_Wicked Company_, so we will Receive none into our Meeting, but
such as have sensibly _Reformed_ their lives from all manner of
Wickedness. And, therefore, None shall be Admitted, without the
Knowledge and Consent of the _Minister_ of God in this place; unto
whom we will also carry every Person, that seeks for _Admission_
among us; to be by Him Examined, Instructed and Exhorted.

IV. We will, as often as may be, Obtain some Wise and Good Man, of
the English in the Neighborhood, and especially the Officers of the
Church, to look in upon us, and by their Presence and Counsel, do
what they think fitting for us.

V. If any of our Number fall into the Sin of _Drunkenness_, or
_Swearing_, or _Cursing_, or _Lying_, or _Stealing_, or notorious
_Disobedience_ or _Unfaithfulness_ unto their Masters, we will
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