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A Social History of the American Negro - Being a History of the Negro Problem in the United States. Including - A History and Study of the Republic of Liberia by Benjamin Brawley
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Admonish him of his Miscarriage, and Forbid his coming to the
Meeting, for at least _one Fortnight_; And except he then come with
great Signs and Hopes of his _Repentance_, we will utterly Exclude
him, with Blotting his _Name_ out of our list.

VI. If any of our Society Defile himself with _Fornication_, we will
give him our _Admonition_; and so, debar him from the Meeting, at
least half a Year: Nor shall he Return to it, ever any more, without
Exemplary Testimonies of his becoming a _New Creature_.

VII. We will, as we have Opportunity, set ourselves to do all the
Good we can, to the other _Negro-Servants_ in the Town; And if any
of them should, at unfit Hours, be _Abroad_, much more, if any of
them should _Run away_ from their Masters, we will afford them
_no Shelter_: But we will do what in us lies, that they may be
discovered, and punished. And if any of _us_ are found Faulty in
this matter, they shall be no longer of _us_.

VIII. None of our Society shall be _Absent_ from our Meeting,
without giving a Reason of the Absence; and if it be found, that any
have pretended unto their _Owners_, that they came unto the Meeting,
when they were otherwise and elsewhere Employed, we will faithfully
_Inform_ their Owners, and also do what we can to Reclaim such
Person from all such Evil Courses for the Future:

IX. It shall be expected from every one in the Society, that he
learn the Catechism; And therefore, it shall be one of our usual
Exercises, for one of us, to ask the _Questions_, and for all the
rest in their Order, to say the _Answers_ in the Catechism; Either,
The _New English_ Catechism, or the _Assemblies_ Catechism, or the
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