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The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 by Various
page 43 of 77 (55%)
"to the manner born"--that our little groups of Chinese believers born
as "aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the
covenants of promise," should be free from all envies and jealousies,
walking always in brotherly love. We wish it were so, but our wish is,
as yet, but partially fulfilled. Our evangelists have so presented
Christ, and so magnified the duty and the blessing of brotherly love,
and so exercised, also, their gifts of Christian diplomacy, as to
become peace-makers, and to restore a truly spiritual order at points
where chaos seemed impending.

They have been "in labors abundant." The following from Yong Jin, at
Santa Cruz, puts in fewest words their ordinary work: "This school has
nineteen or twenty scholars. About sixteen come to take the lesson
every evening. Mrs. Willett teach and I teach. [_i.e._ during the
usual school session from 7 till 9 p.m.] After the school is out, I
teach them the Bible lesson about half so long. [_i.e._ from 9.15 till
10.15 p.m.] Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings gave them the Bible
lesson of Chinese. Wednesday and Friday evenings, the Bible lesson of
English. Saturday evenings we have meeting. Sunday noon, I did preach
in the street--three times since I came here." With this is associated
constant visiting of such Chinese as either cannot or will not attend
the school, seeking to sow beside all waters. Also study; in some
cases aided through the kindness of some resident pastor, for these
brethren have entered upon this work untrained except in the work
itself, and one point of greatest moment in their present service is
to learn how to render better service in the years to come. Street
preaching is undertaken wherever possible. What a hearing can be
secured if only some American Christians will cooperate, was well
illustrated in the experience of Loo Quong at San Diego. I cite the
following sentences: "This afternoon we have a grand time in preaching
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