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The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 by Various
page 44 of 77 (57%)
the good news of Jesus to the Chinese. There were more than _ten_ good
people who had gathered there to help me in the singing. After half an
hour of hard talk, [_i.e._, earnest laborious speaking,] then Mr.
Kirby, an old gentleman, next is Rev. Dr. Harwood, then a stranger.

All these speakings I have put in Chinese and they were listened to by
at least a thousand Chinese and whites. Among the helpers were Mrs.
Noble and Mrs. McKensie and the whole family of Rev. Dr. Harwood.
Besides these were many other good Christian ladies who stood around
me and were given willing lips to join the singing. I cannot tell you
all about our street preaching here. I will leave it for you to think
about and enjoy. Amen."

God has used this preaching of the Word, not only to edify the
brethren, but to bring men to repentance. The numbers may seem small
when compared with those reported by our American evangelists laboring
among the tens of thousands in our great cities, but, under the
circumstances, they are very cheering. At Stockton, 1; Sacramento, 1;
San Buenaventura, 3; San Diego, 3; Oakland, 4; San Francisco, 5;
Tucson, 5; Santa Barbara, 7; Santa Cruz, 11. Total 40. This is the
harvest of the past five months. If the work of the whole year should
yield corresponding returns, it will be the most fruitful of our whole
history. Much remains unsaid, for which I may find space hereafter.


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