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The Story of Bessie Costrell by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 46 of 93 (49%)

Then she heard him say in another tone:

'An I got a bit o' news down at the club as will liven yer up. Parkinson
was there; just come over from Frampton to see his mother; an he says
John will be here to-morrer or next day. 'Be seed him yesterday--pulled
down dreadful--quite the old man, 'ee says. An John told him as he was
comin 'ome directly to live comfortable.'

Bessie drew her shawl over her head.

'To-morrer, did yer say?' she asked in a whisper.

'Mos like. Now you go to sleep; I'll put out the lamp.'

But all night long Bessie lay wide awake in torment, her soul hardening
within her, little by little.


Just before dark on the following day, a man descended
from a down train at the Clinton Magna station. The porters knew him and
greeted him; so did one or two labourers outside, as he set off to walk
to the village which was about a mile distant.

'Well, John, so yer coom back,' said one of them, an old man, grasping
the newcomer by the hand. 'An I can't say as yer looks is any credit to
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