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The Story of Bessie Costrell by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 47 of 93 (50%)
Frampton--no, that aa can't.'

John, indeed, wore a sallow and pinched air, and walked lamely, with a

'Noa,' he said, peevishly; 'it's a beastly place is Frampton; a damp,
nassty hole as iver I saw--gives yer the rheumaticks to look at it. I've
'ad a doose of a time, I 'ave, I can tell yer--iver sense I went. But
I'll pull up now.'

'Aye, this air'll do yer,' said the other. 'Where are yer stoppin?

John nodded.

'They don't know nothin about my comin, but I dessay they'll find me
somethin to sleep on. I'll 'ave my own place soon, and some one to look
arter it.'

He drew himself up involuntarily, with the dignity that waits on

A laugh, rather jeering than cordial, ran through the group of

'Aye, yer'll be livin at your ease,' said the man who had spoken first.
'When will yo give us a drink, yer lardship?'

The others grinned.

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