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Somerset by J. H. Wade;G. W. Wade
page 175 of 283 (61%)
view to be obtained from the platform, which overhangs a deep valley.
Some of the S. surroundings of Bath may be conveniently explored from
here by good walkers. Midford Castle, a modern antique, built in the
shape of a triangle, stands just above the railway.

_Midsomer Norton_, a thriving and populous village 14 m. S.E. from
Bristol, with a station on the S. & D. line to Bath, and another at
Welton on the G.W. branch to Bristol. It obtains its name from a little
rivulet, the Somer, which partly embraces the village. Though situated
on the same coalfield, it is a more pleasing-looking place than its
neighbour Radstock. The church is a not very inspiring example of
modern Gothic (1830), and is said to have superseded a Norm, building.
The tower, which may embody some portions of the original structure, is
in keeping with the rest of the church, though of greater age. It
contains a niched effigy of Charles II., who, though an unlikely church
benefactor, is said to have given the bells. Besides having a large
output of coal, the locality does a brisk trade in boots and shoes.

MILBORNE PORT, a small town of some antiquity but of no modern
importance, situated on a southern projection of the county jutting
into Dorset. The station (L. & S.W. main line) is 1-1/2 m. N. of the
town. In pre-Reform days it was a pocket borough, returning two
members. It has now little save its quaint air of antiquity to make it
remarkable. The church, however, is interesting and will repay study.
Externally and internally it bears evidence of a very early origin. The
nave has been rebuilt and enlarged, but the tower and chancel should be
carefully observed. Without, note (1) fine Norm. S. doorway; (2) base
of tower with its peculiar stair turret; (3) Norm, panelling on S. side
of chancel and blocked low side-window; (4) Norm, lancets in E. and N.
wall of vestry; (5) traces of Norm, arcading on N. face of tower. The
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