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Somerset by J. H. Wade;G. W. Wade
page 176 of 283 (62%)
original niches and stoups of the W. front will be found built into a
small mortuary chapel at the N.W. corner of the churchyard. Within, the
tower arch claims first attention as the most exceptional feature of
the church. It is of majestic dimensions, and the workmanship is bold
and rugged. The N. and S. transeptal arches retain their round heads as
originally constructed, but the E. and W. piers carry pointed arches.
The carving on the capitals is regarded by some as bearing traces of
Saxon craftsmanship, but this is doubtful; note in some cases absence
of abacus. The S. transept is also worthy of close examination; note
the effigy in recess in S. wall, the Norm. windows, and the piscina.
Other objects worthy of observation in the church are (1) fine old
font; (2) piscinas in sanctuary and S. wall of nave; (3) ancient
vestry. The chancel and N. transept are Perp. The massive severity of
the central arches lends an air of great impressiveness to the whole
interior, though the peculiar position of the pulpit indicates how
difficult it has been to adapt the building to congregational purposes.
In the central thoroughfare of the village are the remains of an old
market cross, and on the S. side of the street near the present market
hall is the old Guildhall, containing a Norm. doorway with good
details. At the E. end of the village by the side of the Salisbury road
is _Venn_, the seat of the Medlicotts. It is a Queen Anne mansion of
characteristically formal aspect. Between Milborne Port Station and the
little hamlet of _Milborne Wick_ is the site of a camp with steep
flanks, and defended on the most accessible side by a strong rampart.

_Milton Clevedon_, a small parish 2-1/2 m. N.W. of Bruton. The church
contains the effigy of an ecclesiastic (N. of the chancel), and there
is some ancient glass in the N. transept. Note, too, a curious
inscription on the external E. wall of the S. transept, date 1615.

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