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Somerset by J. H. Wade;G. W. Wade
page 187 of 283 (66%)
divided into four storeys by wooden floors, the dining-hall being (as
the large fireplace indicates) on the first floor. Access was gained to
the different apartments by a large spiral staircase winding round the
interior of the N. turret. The top storey of the S. turret, marked
externally by a Perp. window, was evidently furnished as an oratory; an
altar slab and piscina can still be seen projecting from the wall. The
position, not naturally strong, was rendered more defensible by a moat,
beyond which flows a stream. The castle was built by Sir J. de la Mere
in 1373 out of the spoils of the French wars. It afterwards passed
successively to the families of Pawlet and Prater, and during the Civil
Wars was held by Colonel Prater for the king. After a determined
resistance it surrendered on terms to Fairfax. The neighbouring church
has a picturesque Perp. tower with a projecting spiral stair turret. On
the W. face is a panel representing a key and a knotted cord, thought
to be a Delamere badge. Internally the fabric has been much pulled
about and altered. It contains a heavy Norman font and a small oak
chancel screen. Behind the organ in the N. aisle are two altar tombs
with double recumbent effigies (15th cent.), and a third (14th cent.)
with a single figure--that of the founder of the castle--is shelved on
the window-sill above. The effigies furnish excellent illustrations of
the armour of their periods.

_Nynehead_, a village 1-1/2 m. N. of Wellington. From the neighbouring
village of Bradford it is approached by a deep artificial cutting
picturesquely overhung with creepers. The church is something of a
"show place." Its chief attraction is a remarkable collection of marble
statuary and Della Robbia work. Notice in particular the tablet
representing the Trinity, by Mino da Fiesole, on the W. wall of S.
aisle, the Madonna and Child on same wall, and the "Nativity" beneath
the tower. The church itself is Perp., but largely rebuilt. It contains
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