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Somerset by J. H. Wade;G. W. Wade
page 188 of 283 (66%)
a very fine oak screen. Note also (1) squint on N.; (2) rough piscina
in chancel; (3) monument to the Clarkes of Chipley (1679) in N. chapel.
In the beautifully-kept churchyard is the base of a fine cross, now
prettily overgrown with ferns and lichen. In close proximity to the
church is a large but uncomely-looking manor house.

_Oake_, a parish 3 m. S.E. of Milverton. Its little church, sadly
dilapidated, has the tower on the S. side. Over the porch (1601) is a
pierced parapet, bearing the monogram _I.P._ (cp. Hill-farrance). The
interior contains nothing of note except a carved pulpit and an old
font, and some fragments of ancient glass in a window of unusual size,
which is said to have been brought from Taunton Priory. Outside is a
stone for doles.

_Oakhill_, a large village on the N. slope of the Mendips, 2 m. S.E. of
Binegar Station (S. and D.). It is chiefly dependent upon a large
brewery. The church is modern (1861).

_Oare_, a small village 7 m. W. of Porlock, situated in a delightful
valley between heather-clad hills. It is a favourite drive from
Porlock, and may be reached by two routes, the better being along the
main Porlock and Lynton road almost as far as County Gate. Oare church
is quaint, but contains little of interest. 3/4 m. away is
_Malmesmead_, where the Oare Water joins the Badgeworthy Water, which
for some distance constitutes the boundary between Somerset and Devon,
and is familiar to readers of _Lorna Doone_.

_Odcombe_, a village 3 m. W. of Yeovil. The church occupies a very
elevated position and commands a good view. In plan it is cruciform,
with a central tower resting on piers which seem to belong to the Dec.
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