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Somerset by J. H. Wade;G. W. Wade
page 189 of 283 (66%)
period, though the E. and W. arches have been altered in Perp. times.
There is a good piscina in the chancel, and the basin of the font is
ancient. The ribbed and panelled roof of the S. porch deserves notice.
Odcombe was the birthplace of Tom Coryate, who, early in the 17th
cent., tramped through Europe and the East. After his first journey he
is said to have hung up his boots in the church.

_Orchardleigh_, a modern mansion, 2 m. N. from Frome, built to replace
the ancient seat of the Champneys. In the park is a knoll crowned by
three huge stones, which were once a cromlech, and are supposed to mark
a place of sepulture. Upon an island in a lake is a small church, quite
a little gem in its way. It contains a carved cup-shaped font, a
beautiful Dec. priest's doorway, and an elaborately sculptured aumbry
and piscina. The unique features of the building, however, are the
small projecting figures on the N. and S. walls of the sanctuary; the
hand of the one on the S. will be seen still grasping the staple on
which was once suspended the Lenten veil (cp. Leigh-on-Mendip).

_Orchard Portman_, a parish 2 m. S. of Taunton, which represents in its
name an alliance between a Portman and the heiress of the Orchards. The
most noteworthy features of its small Perp. church is a Norm. S. door,
and an ancient font (likewise presumably Norm.) of curious shape. Note,
too, (1) carved wooden pulpit; (2) carved stalls; (3) brass on chancel
S. wall to "Humfredus de Collibus" (_Anglice_, Coles or Colles), who
died 1693 (cp. Pitminster).

_Othery_, a parish on the Sedgemoor plain, 3 m. N.E. of Athelney
Station. Its church has quite a number of interesting features. It is
cruciform in plan, with a central tower, and is said to be an E. E.
building, which has been altered in the Dec. and Perp. periods. The
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