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The Trail of the Tramp by Leon Ray Livingston
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Where to Obtain Our Books

_To The Public_:--

You may purchase our books of any news agent, aboard every passenger
train in the United States, Canada, England and Australia, carrying
a "news butcher." At depot and other news stands and all up-to-date
news and book stores. If residing far in the country, your store
keeper, always willing to handsomely add to his income, may get our
titles for you by requesting us to furnish him the address of the
nearest jobber.

_To The Dealer_:--

The American News Company and all its branches throughout the United
States and Canada, and all other reliable jobbers from Halifax to
San Diego and from Dawson City to Key West _always_ carry a complete
line of our books in stock.

Dealers should furnish a fair display to our books and explain to
customers that their text is not only good reading but also that the
stories are based on actual experiences of the author who wasted
thirty years on the Road.

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