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The Trail of the Tramp by Leon Ray Livingston
page 3 of 135 (02%)
Do not bury the "A-No. 1 Books" on shelves or in train boxes, but
give them a chance to prove their great selling merit. One copy sold
is sure to bring a sale of the complete set to the reader, so
entertaining are the stories which cover every interesting phase of
tramp life.

Yours respectfully, The A-No. 1 Publishing Company

_Erie, Pa., U.S.A._

An Introductory.


"The Harvester."

"It is my turn tonight to relate for your entertainment a story of my
past, and I shall repeat to you the most pathetic happening that I have
ever experienced in all my life. I have never been able to eradicate its
details from my memory, as I witnessed its beginning with my own eyes,
and its ending, many years later, was told to me by one of the principal

"I shall not repeat to you one of the same, old, time-worn tales of how
slick hoboes beat trains, nor fabled romance concerning harmless
wanderlusters, nor jokes at the expense of the poor but honest man in
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