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Nan Sherwood's Winter Holidays - Rescuing the Runaways by Annie Roe Carr
page 7 of 226 (03%)
Riggs. Walter Mason had already taken his place on his sister's sled at
the steering wheel in front, with his boots on the footrests. His sister
got on directly behind him and took hold of his belt. Behind her Nan,
Bess, little, fair-haired Lillie Nevins, who was Grace's particular chum,
and who had ridden over on the sled from the Hall, Amelia Boggs, the
homely girl, and Laura Polk, the red-haired, sat in the order named.
There were rope "hand-holds" for all; but Grace preferred to cling to
her brother. The first trip down the hill was always a trial to timid
Grace Mason.

"All ready?" queried Walter, firmly gripping the wheel.

"Let her go!" cried Laura, hilariously.

"And do give somebody else a chance!" exclaimed Linda.

Professor Krenner's watch was in his hand. "Go!" he shouted, and as the
red-haired girl's heels struck into the hard snow to start the creaking
runners, the old gentleman put the bugle to his lips again and blew
another fanfare.

"We're off!" squealed Bess, as the bobsled slipped over the brow of the
descent and started down the slippery slide with a rush.

Fifty feet below the brink of the hill a slight curve in the slide around
a thick clump of evergreens hid the sled from the group at the top. They
could hear only the delighted screams of the girls until, with a loud
ring of metal on crystal, the runners clashed upon the ice and the
bobsled darted into view again upon the frozen strait.

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