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Nan Sherwood's Winter Holidays - Rescuing the Runaways by Annie Roe Carr
page 8 of 226 (03%)
The first bobsled ran almost to the Isle of Hope before it stopped. By
that time Professor Krenner had started the second one, and the impatient
Linda was clamoring for what she called her "rights."

"We'll show 'em how to speed a bobsled, if you'll give us a chance," she
complained. "That thing of the Mason's didn't get to the island. We'll
show 'em!"

Nan Sherwood and her friends piled off the first sled upon the ice with
great delight and much hilarity.

"I declare!" gasped Laura. "I left my breath at the top of the hill.
O-o-o! What a ride!"

"It's ju-just like swinging too high!" burst out flaxen-haired Lillie.

Nan and Bess had brought their skates slung over their shoulders by the
straps. Before getting up off the sled the chums put these on and then
were ready to draw the heavy sled back across the ice to the shore.

"Get aboard--all of you!" Bess cried. "All you lazy folks can have a

"And do hurry!" added Nan. "Here come some more bobs."

The second sled did not gain momentum enough to slide half-way across the
strait between the mainland and the Isle of Hope. But now appeared the
"Linda Riggs' crew," as Laura called them, and their shiny, new sled. Out
of the enveloping grove which masked the side of Pendragon Hill it came,
shooting over the last "thank-you-ma'am" and taking the ice with a
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