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The Boy Mechanic: Volume 1 - 700 Things for Boys to Do by Popular Mechanics Co.
page 48 of 996 (04%)
end of the base. The screw on top of the arch is used to adjust
the key for a long or short stroke.
--Contributed by S. V. Cooke, Hamilton, Canada.

** Keeping Food Cool in Camps [21]

Camps and suburban homes located where ice is hard to get can be
provided with a cooling arrangement herein described that will
make a good substitute for the icebox. A barrel is sunk in the
ground in a shady place, allowing plenty of space about the
outside to fill in with gravel. A quantity of small stones and
sand is first put in wet. A box is placed in the hole over the top
of the barrel and filled in with clay or earth well tamped. The
porous condition of the gravel drains the surplus water after a

The end of the barrel is fitted with a light cover and a heavy
door hinged to the box. A small portion of damp sand is sprinkled
on the bottom of the barrel. The covers should be left open
occasionally to prevent mold and to remove any bad air that may
have collected from the contents.
--Contributed by F. Smith, La Salle, Ill.

** Homemade Work Basket [22]

Secure a cheese box about 12 in. high and 15 in. or more in
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