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More Goops and How Not to Be Them by Gelett Burgess
page 4 of 38 (10%)
How to Eat Soup Inquisitiveness
Baby's Apology Don't Be Good
In the Street Write Right!
Sick Furniture Wet Feet
Borrowed Plumes Dress Quickly!
The Goop Picnic Danger!
Book-Manners The Reason Why
Poor Mother! In Goop Attire
Cheating Impossible


[Illustration: Introduction]


Children, although you might expect
My manners to be quite correct
(For since I fancy I can teach,
I ought to practice what I preach),
'Tis true that I have often braved
My mother's wrath, and misbehaved!
And almost every single rule
I broke, before I went to school!
For that is how I learned the way
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