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Seven Men by Sir Max Beerbohm
page 1 of 129 (00%)
I have removed spaces that preceded semicolons, exclamation
points, question marks, and closing quotation marks. I have
removed spaces that followed opening quotation marks. I have
converted paragraph formatting and ellipses to PG standard.

In this plain ASCII version, I have converted emphasis and syllable
stress italics to capitals, removed foreign italics, and removed

In "Enoch Soames:"
I added a missing closing quotation mark in the following
phrase: `Ten past two,' he said.

In "Hilary Maltby and Stephen Braxton:"
I changed the opening double quote to a single quote in:
`I wondered what old Mr. Abraham Hayward...
`I knew that if I leaned forward...

SEVEN MEN by Max Beerbohm


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