Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name - of the Faith and Presented to the Illustrious Members of Our Universities by Edmund Campion
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NAME OF THE FAITH AND PRESENTED TO THE ILLUSTRIOUS MEMBERS OF OUR UNIVERSITIES BY EDMUND CAMPION PRIEST OF THE SOCIETY OF THE NAME OF JESUS Nihil Obstat S. GEORGIUS KIERAN HYLAND, S.T.D, CENSOR DEPUTATUS Imprimatur + PETRUS EPUS SOUTHWARC CONTENTS INTRODUCTION RATIONES DECEM TRANSLATION INTRODUCTION Though Blessed Edmund Campion's _Decem Rationes_ has passed through forty-seven editions,[1] printed in all parts of Europe; though it has awakened the enthusiasm of thousands; though Mark Anthony Muret, one of the chief Catholic humanists of Campion's age, pronounced it to be "written by the finger of God," yet it is not an easy book for men of our generation to appreciate, and this precisely because it suited a bygone generation so exactly. Before it can be esteemed at its true value, some knowledge of the circumstances under which it was written, is indispensable. 1. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE _Decem Rationes_. The chief point to remember is that the _Decem Rationes_ was the last and most deliberate free utterance of Campion's ever-memorable mission. During the few months that mission lasted he succeeded in staying the full tide of victorious Protestantism, which had hitherto been irresistible. The ancient Church had gone down before the new religion, at Elizabeth's |