Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, April 4, 1891 by Various
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page 1 of 48 (02%)
OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI. VOL. 100. April 4, 1891. MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN. (_CONDENSED AND REVISED VERSION BY MR. P.'S OWN HARMLESS IBSENITE._) NO. II.-NORA; OR, THE BIRD-CAGE (ET DIKKISVÖIT). ACT I. _A Room tastefully filled with cheap Art-furniture. Gimcracks in an étagère; a festoon of chenille monkeys hanging from the gaselier. Japanese fans, skeletons, cotton-wool spiders, frogs, and lizards, scattered everywhere about. Drain-pipes with tall dyed grasses. A porcelain stove decorated with transferable pictures. Showily-bound books in book-case. Window. The Visitors' bell rings in the hall outside. The hall-door is heard to open, and then to shut. Presently NORA walks in with parcels; a Porter carries a large |