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ABC's of Science by Charles A. (Charles Alexander) Oliver
page 7 of 17 (41%)

Venus has the brightest lustre of our planets which is caused from
enormous amount of vapor. It is carried over its orbit at about
67,000,000 miles from the sun, which requires 224 7/10 days to
complete its course. Rotates once every 23 hours and 21 minutes.
Diameter, 7,700 miles.

The earth is carried over its orbit; main distance being 93,000,000
miles from the sun, which requires one year to complete its course,
which is 680,000,000 miles:

Earth's diameter 8,000
Greater or equatorial 7,925
Less or polar 7,899
Difference on comparison 26

The earth rotates once every 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds; has
one satellite, which is carried over its orbit at a distance of
238,850 miles from the earth. Its diameter is 2,160 miles. The moon
completes its orbit in 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 2 seconds.
Its currents touch the earth and cause the tide; also affects some
plants of the phenomena verita; these plants are also affected by the

Many years after the earth's material began to flourish, a small body
(whose crust was cooled) came in contact with the earth; this caused
the earth's crust to crack almost from pole to pole and formed North
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