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ABC's of Science by Charles A. (Charles Alexander) Oliver
page 8 of 17 (47%)
and South America. The eruptions in Europe, Asia, and Africa were
greatly scattered. Australian soil is deficient in phosphorus, which
shows it is foreign and represents the small body which did not
entirely bury itself. This caused some of the earth's land surface to
be below the sea level; also caused the earth's axis to change at a
very slow rate of about 77 yards per year. This will require many
thousands of years for the North Pole to become the South Pole. For
many years the Polar star appeared "fixed" at the earth's north axis.

Mars is carried around the sun by its planet current at a distance of
140,000,000 miles, which requires 687 days, and rotates every 24
hours, 37 minutes, and 22 1/2 seconds. Diameter, 4,200 miles. Mars
has two satellites and is not abundant in vapor which causes its
reddish appearance, therefore vegetation and animals are scanty.

Jupiter is the largest major planet. It makes a great jump from the
sun of 483,000,000 miles, carried by its planet current to complete
its orbit in 12 years. Rotates every 9 hours, 55 minutes, and 37
seconds. Diameter, 88,000 miles; has seven satellites. The climate
has a very even temperature due to its fast rotation.

Saturn, the beauty of the skies, carried by its planet current around
the sun at its main distance of 883,000,000 miles (a greater distance
of 400,000,000 miles than Jupiter) which requires about 29 1/2 years.
Rotates once every 10 hours, 14 minutes, and 23 seconds. Diameter,
75,000 miles. It has ten satellites and three rings of unconcentrated
material. The cape ring is about 9,000 miles across, the other two
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