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ABC's of Science by Charles A. (Charles Alexander) Oliver
page 9 of 17 (52%)
about 16,000 each. Diameter of rings about 170,000 miles, which makes
the rings very close to the surface.

Uranus is carried by its planet current around the sun at a great
distance of 1,778,000,000 miles, which requires about 84 years. Rate
of rotation unknown. Diameter, 31,000 miles. It has four satellites.

Neptune is the farthest from the sun. Its main distance being
2,792,000,000 miles; carried by its planet current over its orbit once
in 164 years, 9 months. Diameter, 37,000 miles. Period of rotation
unknown. Has one satellite. At Neptune we haven't taken a step but
our next neighbor is across the divide. Let us have a fairy dream and
travel from the sun to Neptune in a straight or direct course at the
rate of 1,000,000 miles an hour; it would take us 116 1/3 days to
reach Neptune.

[Figure: Line drawing, captioned "The solar system."]


Crossing the divide (Abyss) we encounter other systems of about
25,000,000,000, or the first magnitude. Our most powerful glass
reaches the 16th.

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