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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 27 of 66 (40%)

On the title-page was written in an old hand the native of the "patient
extraordinary" and author _James Carkasse_, and that of the "doctor"
_Thomas Allen_. A little reading convinced me that the writer was a very
fit subject for a lunatic asylum; but at page 5, I met with an allusion
to the celebrated Mr. Pepys, which I will beg to quote:--

"Get thee behind me then, dumb devil, begone,
The Lord hath eppthatha said to my tongue,
Him I must praise who open'd hath my lips,
Sent me from Navy, to the Ark, by Pepys;
By Mr. Pepys, who hath my rival been
For the Duke's[3] favour, more than years thirteen;
But I excluded, he high and fortunate,
This Secretary I could never mate; {88}
But Clerk of th' Acts, if I'm a parson, then
I shall prevail, the voice outdoes the pen;
Though in a gown, this challenge I may make,
And wager win, save if you can, your stake.
To th' Admiral I all submit, and vail--"

The book from which I extract is _cropped_, so that the last line is
illegible. Can the noble editor of Pepys' _Diary_, or any of your
readers, inform me who and what was this Mr. James Carkasse?


[Footnote 3: The Duke of York, afterwards James II.]

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