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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 28 of 66 (42%)


_Epigrams on the Universities_.--There are two clever epigrams on the
circumstance, I believe, of Charles I. sending a troop of horse to one
of the universities, about the same time that he presented some books to
the other.

The sting of the first, if I recollect right, is directed against the
university to which the books were sent, the king--

"--right well discerning,
How much that loyal body wanted learning."

The reply which this provoked, is an attack on the other university, the
innuendo being that the troops were sent there--

"Because that learned body wanted loyalty."

I quote from memory.

Can any of your readers, through the medium of your valuable paper,
favour me with the correct version of the epigrams, and with the
particular circumstances which gave rise to them?



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