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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 34 of 66 (51%)
Where did William of Wykeham get the wealth with which he built and
endowed New College, Oxon, and St. Mary's, Winchester; and rebuilt
Winchester Cathedral?

What are the present incomes of New College, and St Mary's, Winchester?

Is there a copy of the Statutes of these colleges in the British Museum,
or in any other public library?


April 22, 1850.

_Richard Baxter's Descendants_.--Can any of your correspondents inform
me of the whereabouts of the descendants of the celebrated Richard
Baxter? He was a Northamptonshire man, but I think his family removed
into some county in the west.


_Passage in St. Peter_.--Besides the well-known passage in the
_Tempest_, what _Christian_ writers have used any kindred expression to
2 Pet. iii. 10.?


8. Park Place, Oxford, June 1. 1850.

_Juice-cups_.--Is it beneath the dignity of "NOTES AND QUERIES" to admit
an inquiry respecting the philosophy and real effect of placing an
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