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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 35 of 66 (53%)
inverted cup in a fruit pie? The question is not about the _object_, but
whether that object is, or can be, effected by the means employed.


Derivation of "Yote" or "Yeot."--What is the derivation of the word
"yote" or "yeot," a term used in Glocestershire and Somersetshire, for
"leading in" iron work to stone?


_Pedigree of Greene Family_.--At Vol. i., p. 200., reference is made to
"a fine Pedigree on vellum, of the Greene family, penes T. Wotton, Esq."

Can any person inform me who now possesses the said pedigree, or is
there a copy of it which may be consulted?

One John Greene, of Enfield, was clerk to the New River Company: he died
1705, and was buried at Enfield. He married Elizabeth Myddelton,
grand-daughter of Sir Hugh. I wish to find out the birth and parentage
of the said John Greene and shall be _thankful_, if I may say so much,
without adding too much to the length of my Query.


_Family of Love_.--Referring to Dr. RIMBAULT'S communication on the
subject of this sect (Vol. ii., p. 49.), will you allow me to inquire
whether there is any evidence that its members deserved Fuller's severe
condemnation? Queen Elizabeth might consider them a "damnable sect," if
they were believed to hold heterodox opinions in religion and politics;
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