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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 46 of 66 (69%)
minds"), is borrowed from Tacitus _Hist_. iv. 6. Compare _Athenæus_, xi.
15. § 116. p. 507. d., where Plato is represented as saying:--

"[Greek: Eschaton ton taes doxaes chitona en to thanato auto

Will you allow me to add, that the quotation from Seneca in Vol. i., p.
427. Of "NOTES AND QUERIES" is from the _Nat. Quaest. Proef_.


Marlborough College, June 8.

_Christian Captives_ (Vol. i., p. 441.).--There is an unfortunate hiatus
in the accounts of this parish from 1642 to 1679, which prevents my
stating positively the amount of the collection here made; but in 1670,
Jan 1., there occurs the following:--

"Item. To Mr. Day for Copying ouer the fower parts that was
gathered in the parish for the Reliefe of Slaues in Algiears - -
- - 0 2 0"

Mr. Day was curate of Ecclesfield at that time; and in another part of
the book there is, in his handwriting, a subscription list, which,
though only headed "Colected by hous Row for the ..." is more than
probably the copy referred to. From it the totals collected appear to
have been,--

_s_. _d_.
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