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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 47 of 66 (71%)
Ecclesfield 6 7-1/2
Greno Firth 13 6
Southey Soke 10 7
Wadsley 4 6
£1 15 2-1/2

The above are the four byerlaws, or divisions of the parish, and the
four churchwardens used separately to collect in their respective
byerlaws; and then a fair copy of the whole was made out by the curate
or schoolmaster. An ordinary collection in church, upon a brief,
averaged 7_s_. 6_d_. at this period.



_Borrowed Thoughts_ (Vol. i., p. 482.).--The number of "NOTES AND
QUERIES" here alluded to has unluckily not reached me; but in Vol. ii.,
p. 30., I observe that your correspondent C., in correcting one error,
has inadvertently committed another. Monsieur de la Palisse is the hero
alluded to in the popular song which was written at the commencement of
the eighteenth century by Bernard de la Monnoye, upon the old ballad,
composed after the battle of Pavia, and commencing,--

"Hélas! La Palice est mort,
Il est mort devant Pavie;
Hélas! s'il n'estait pas mort,
Il serait encore en vie!"

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