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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 55 of 66 (83%)
to see a drawing of the design, Chantrey called upon Stothard, and
employed him to make the requisite drawing from the small model: this
was done; and from this circumstance originated the story, from those
envious of Chantrey's rising fame, that he was indebted to Stothard for
all the merit of the original design.


* * * * *


_Separation of the Sexes in Time of Divine Service_.--I note with
pleasure that traces of this ancient usage still exist in parts of
Sussex. In Poling Church, and also in Arundel Church, the movable Seats
are marked with the letters M. and W. respectively, according as they
are assigned to the men or women. On the first Sunday in the year I
attended service in Arundel Church, and observed, with respect to the
benches which were placed in the middle of the nave for the use of the
poorer classes, that the women as they entered proceeded to those at the
eastern end, which were left vacant for them, whilst the men by
themselves {95} occupied those at the western end. The existence of a
distinction of this kind in regard to the open seats only, affords
strong proof, if proof were necessary, that it was the introduction of
appropriated pews which led to the disuse of else long established, and
once general, custom of the men occupying the south side of the nave,
and the women the north.

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