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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 56 of 66 (84%)

_Error in Winstanley's Loyal Martyrology_.--Winstanley, in _The Loyall
Martyrology_ (London, printed by Thomas Mabb, 1665), p. 67., says of
Master Gerard, the author of that elaborate herbal which bears his
name--"This gallant gentleman, renowned for arts and arms, was likewise
at the storming of that (Basing) House unfortunately slain." According
to Johnson, who edited his Herbal in 1633, Gerard was born at Namptwich,
in Cheshire, in the year 1545; and died about 1607. Basing House was
stormed Oct. 1645: had Gerard served there, he would have been 100 years
old. It appears that Winstanley has confounded Gerard with his editor
Thomas Johnson above mentioned, who was killed during the siege of
Basing House, anno 1644. (See Fuller's _Worthies_, vol. iii. p. 422.
edit. 1840. London.)


_Preaching in Nave only.--Prayers and Preaching distinct Services_--In
Ely Cathedral the old and proper custom of sermons being delivered in
the nave only is still maintained. And this observance has doubtless led
to the continuance of another, which is a sufficient answer to those who
object to the length of our service, as it shows that formerly in
practice, as still in principle, prayers and preaching were distinct
services. In the morning of Sunday there is no sermon in either of the
parish churches in Ely, but prayers only; and those of the respective
congregations who wish to hear a sermon remove to the cathedral, where
they are joined by the ecclesiastics and others who have "been to
choir". Consequently, any one may "go to sermon" (I use the language of
the place) without having been to prayers, or to prayers in one of the
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