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Notes and Queries, Number 36, July 6, 1850 by Various
page 57 of 66 (86%)
parish churches, or the choir, without necessarily hearing the sermon.

I think it would be very interesting, if your widely scattered
correspondents would from time to time communicate in your columns such
instances of any variation from the now usual mode of celebrating divine
service as may fall under their _personal_ observation.


* * * * *



It has been frequently, more frequently, perhaps than justly, objected
to the Shakspeare Society, that few of its publications bear directly
upon the illustration of the works of the great dramatist. That the
Council would gladly publish works more immediately in connection with
Shakspeare and his writings, if the materials for them could be found,
is proved by the fact of their having just published the _Remarks of
Karl Simrock on the Plots of Shakspeare's Plays_, which that gentleman,
whose name is honoured by all lovers of early German poetry and romance,
appended to the third volume of the _Quellen der Shakspeare_, a
collection of Novels, Tales, &c., illustrative of Shakspeare, which
Simrock collected and translated in conjunction with Echtermeyer and
Henschel, and which somewhat resembles Mr. Collier's _Shakspeare's
Library_. The translation of these remarks, made for the Society, was
placed in the hands of Mr. Halliwell, and forms, with the notes and
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