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Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850 by Various
page 22 of 67 (32%)
Wisdom_, published by the Shakspeare Society. In his prefatory remarks
that gentleman says,

"Besides his printed works, Lenton wrote the _Poetical History
of Queene Hester_, with the translation of the 83rd Psalm,
reflecting upon the present times. MS. dated 1649."

This date must be incorrect, if our entry in the Staunton obituary
relates to the same person; and there is every reason to suppose that it
does. The _autograph_ MS. of Lenton occurred in Heber's sale (Part xi.
No. 724.), and is thus described:

_Hadassiah_, or the _History of Queen Hester_, sung in a sacred
and serious poeme, and divided into ten chapters, by F. Lenton,
the Queen's Majesties Poet, 1638.

This is undoubtedly the _correct_ date, as it is in the handwriting of
the author. Query. What is the meaning of Lenton's title, "the Queen's
Majesties Poet"?

Edward F. Rimbault.

* * * * *

Minor Notes.

_Lilburn or Prynne?_--I am anxious to suggest in "Notes and Queries"
whether a character in the Second Canto of Part iii. of _Hudibras_ (line
421), beginning,

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