Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850 by Various
page 31 of 67 (46%)
page 31 of 67 (46%)
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1. Whence did Risdon derive his copy of King Athelstane's form of
donation? 2. What is the precise meaning of the word _Somagia_? In _Ducange_ (ed. Par. 1726, tom. vi. col. 589.) I find: "_Somegia_. Præstatio, ut videtur _ex summis_, v. gr. bladi, frumenti. Charta Philippi Reg. Franc. an. 1210. Idem etiam Savaricus detinet sibi census suos, et venditiones, et quosdam reditus, qui _Somegiæ_ vocantur, et avenam, et _captagia_ hominum et foeminarum suarum, qui reditus cum una Somegiarum in festo B. Remigii persolverentur; deinde secunda Somegia in vicesima die Natalis Domini, et tertia in Octabis Resurrectionis Dominicæ, ei similiter persolventur; caponum etiam suorum in crastino Natalis Domini percipiet solutionem: unaquæque vero somegiarum quatuor denarios bonæ monetæ valet." Ducange refers also to some kindred words; but, instead of clearing up my difficulty in the word _somagia_, he presents me with another in _captagia_, the meaning of which I do not clearly understand. Perhaps some of your more learned contributors will obligingly help me to the true import of these words? J. Sansom. * * * * * Minor Queries. _Charade_.--Can any one tell who is the author of the following charade? No doubt, the lines are well known to many of your readers, although I |