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Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850 by Various
page 32 of 67 (47%)
have never seen them in print. It has been said that Dr. Robinson, a
physician, wrote them. It strikes me that the real author, whoever he
be, richly deserves to be named in "Notes and Queries."

"Me, the contented man desires,
The poor man has, the rich requires;
The miser gives, the spendthrift saves,
And all must carry to their graves."

It can scarcely be necessary to add that the answer is, _nothing_.

Alfred Gatty.

July 1. 1850.

"_Smoke Money_."--Under this name is collected every year at Battle, in
Sussex, by the Constable, one penny from every householder, and paid to
the Lord of the Manor. What is its origin and meaning?


"_Rapido contrarius orbi_."--What divine of the seventeenth century
adopted these words as his motto? They are part of a line in one of
Owen's epigrams.


_Lord Richard Christophilus_.--Can any of your readers give any account
of Lord Richard Christophilus, a Turk converted to Christianity, to
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