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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831 by Various
page 31 of 56 (55%)
Maltsters, 9; Manchester Warehousemen, 2; Manufacturers, 10;
Manufacturing Chemist, 1; Master Mariners, 10; Mast Maker, 1; Mattress
Maker, 1; Mealman, 1; Mercers, 16; Merchants, 71; Millers, 22;
Milliners, 7; Miner, 1; Money Scriveners, 21; MusicSellers, 5;
Nurserymen, 4; Oil and Colourman, 8; Painters, 6; Paper Hanger, 1;
Paper Manufacturers, 8; Pawnbrokers, 2; Perfumers, 4; Picture Dealers,
3; Pill Box Maker, 1; Plasterer, 1; Plumbers, 12; Porter Dealers, 2;
Potter, 1; Poulterer, 1; Printers, 4; Provision Brokers, 2; Ribbon
Manufacturers, 6; Rope Manufacturer, 1; Sack Maker, 1; Saddlers, 6;
Sail Cloth Makers, 2; Sail Makers, 4; Salesmen, 3; Scavenger, 1;
Schoolmasters, 6; Seedsmen, 2; Ship Chandlers, 3; Ship Owners, 5;
Shipwrights, 8; Shopkeepers, 11; Silk Manufacturers, 6; Silk
Throwsters, 2; Silversmiths, 2; Slate Merchants, 2; Smiths, 2; Soap
Maker, 1; Stationers, 7; Statuaries, 2; Steam Boiler Manufacturers, 2;
Stock Brokers, 2; Stocking Manufacturer, 1; Stonemasons, 8; Stuff
Merchants, 7; Sugar Refiner, 1; Surgeons, 13; Surveyor, 1; Tailors,
25; Tallow Chandler, 1; Tanners, 7; Tavern Keepers, 3; Timber
Merchants, 18; Tinmen, 3; Tobacconists, 4; Toymen, 3; Turners, 2;
Umbrella Manufacturer, 1; Underwriter, 1; Upholsterers, 16; Veneer
Cutter, 1; Victuallers, 88; Warehousemen, 15; Watch and Clock Makers,
6; Wax Chandler 1; Wheelwright, 1; White Lead Manufacturer, 1;
Whitesmith, 1; Whitster, 1; Wine and Spirit Merchants, 50; Woollen
Drapers, 18; Woolstaplers, 5; Worsted Manufacturers, 6.--Total, 1467.

This is but a gloomy page in the commercial annals.

_Duties on Soap and Candles._

The amount of the duty on Candles has been, for the year ending 5th of
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