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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831 by Various
page 32 of 56 (57%)
Jan. 1826, 491,236_l._; 1827, 471,994_l._; 1828, 492,622_l._; 1829,
503,779_l._; 1830, 495,138_l._

The rate of duty on the above articles is--On hard soap, 3d. per lb.;
soft soap, 1¾d.; candles, tallow, 1d. per lb.; wax and spermaceti,
3½d. These duties are payable by law one week after the accounts are
made up; but as the accounts for the country include the operations of
six or seven weeks alternately, the period allowed for payment depends
upon the locality of the traders, as those resident where the
collector attends latest upon the round have a proportionally longer
credit; the time allowed for payment may be stated generally at from
fourteen to twenty-eight days. Within the limits of the chief office
the duties on candles are paid weekly; but those on soap have, by
custom, been extended to fourteen days after the account has been made

_Duties on Newspapers._

Amount of Stamp Duties on Newspapers and Advertisements in England and
Scotland, during the five years ending January 5, 1830:

_ending_ +-----------+----------+-----------------------+
_Jan. 5. | England | Scotland | England. | Scotland. |
| £. | £. | £. | £. |
1826 | 425,154 | 24,419 | 144,751 | 18,708 |
1827 | 429,662 | 22,013 | 135,687 | 17,779 |
1828 | 428,629 | 29,929 | 133,978 | 18,400 |
1829 | 439,798 | 33,556 | 136,368 | 18,939 |
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