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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831 by Various
page 4 of 56 (07%)

Hampshire--Sir Bevis of Southampton.

Bevis conquered Ascupart
And after slew the Boar,
And then he crossed beyond the seas
To combat with the Moor.


I came to Lonsdale where I staid
At hall, into a tavern made,
Neat gates, white walls, nought was sparing,
Pots brimful, no thought of caring.
They eat, drink, laugh, are still mirth making--
Nought they see, that's worth care taking.

_Drunken Barnaby's Journal._


Chester of Castria took the name,
As if that Castria were the same.


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