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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831 by Various
page 5 of 56 (08%)
"To all friends round the Wrekin."


Doctrinæ studium, quod nunc viget ad vada Boum
Tempore venture celebrabitur ad vada Saxi.
Science that now o'er Oxford sheds her ray
Shall bless fair Stamford at some future day.


Or Trent who like some earth-born giant spreads
His thirsty arms along the indented meads.

And beauteous Trent that in himself enseams (fattens)
Both thirty sorts of fish and thirty sundry streams.


(_From Piers Plowman's MSS. 1400._)

And there shall come a king and confess you religious,
And beat you as the Bible telleth, for breaking of your rule,
And then shall the Abbot of Abingdon and all his issue for ever
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