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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831 by Various
page 6 of 56 (10%)
Have a knock of a king, and incurable the wound.


As many days as in one year there be,
So many windows in this church you see,
As many marble pillars here appear
As there are hours throughout the fleeting year,
As many gates as moons one here does view,
Strange tale to tell, yet not more strange than true.

A noble park near Sarum's stately town,
In form a mount's clear top call'd Clarendon;
There twenty groves, and each a mile in space,
With grateful shades, at once protect the place.

_Chippenham.--On a Stone._

Hither extendeth Maud Heath's Gift,
For where I stand is Chippenham Clift.


An owl shall build her nest upon the walls of Gloucester,
And in her nest shall be brought forth an ass.

The Severn sea shall discharge itself through seven mouths,
And the river Usk shall burn seven months.
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