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Manual of Ship Subsidies by Edwin M. Bacon
page 24 of 134 (17%)
[Footnote AP: See p. 77, _post_.]

[Footnote AQ: Meeker.]

[Footnote AR: Meeker.]

[Footnote AS: Parl. papers, 1867-68, 1868-69.]

[Footnote AT: See p. 20, _ante_.]

[Footnote AU: The American Steamship Co. of Phila., with 4 iron steamers
built on the Delaware--the _Pennsylvania_, _Ohio_, _Indiana_, and

[Footnote AV: Meeker.]

[Footnote AW: Ultimately embracing the American, Red Star, White Star,
Atlantic Transport, and Dominion Lines.]

[Footnote AX: For details of this contract see report of (U.S.)
commissioner of navigation for 1903, pp. 48-52, and 224-268. The two
steamships called for were the _Lusitania_, 31,550 gross tons, launched
June 7, 1906; and the _Mauretania_, 31,937 gross tons, launched Sept.
19, 1906, both quadruple screw turbines, about 70,000 horsepower; the
largest, fastest, and completest steamers afloat till the production in
1911 of the _Olympic_, 45,324 gross tons, of the International
Mercantile Marine Co.'s White Star Line.]

[Footnote AY: U.S. consul, Charlottetown, P.E.I. in daily Con. Repts.
(Jan. 20) 1911, no. 16.]
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