Report of Mr. W. E. Cormack's journey in search of the Red Indians in Newfoundland by W. E. (William Epps) Cormack
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page 14 of 17 (82%)
Indians, that a comparative idea may be formed of them; and, when the
Indian female _Shawnawdithit_ arrives in St John's, I would recommend that a correct likeness of her be taken, and be preserved in the records of the institution. One of the specimens of mineralogy which we found in our excursion, was a block of what is called _Labrador Felspar_, nearly four one-half feet in length, by about three feet in breadth and thickness. This is the largest piece of that beautiful rock yet discovered any where. Our subsistence in the interior was entirely animal food, deer and beavers, which we shot. * * * * * "_Resolved_,--That the measures recommended in the president's report be agreed to; and that the three men, Indians of the Canadian and Mountaineer tribes, be placed upon the establishment of this institution, to be employed under the immediate direction and control of the president; and that they be allowed for their services such a sum of money as the president may consider a fair and reasonable compensation: That it be the endeavour of this institution to collect every useful information respecting the natural productions and resources of this island, and, from time to time, to publish the same in its reports: That the instruction of _Shawnawdithit_ would be much accelerated by bringing her to St John's, &c.: That the proceedings of the institution, since its establishment, be laid before his Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonial Department, by the president, on his arrival in England. (Signed) "A.W. des BARRES, Chairman and Vice-Patron." |