The National Preacher, Vol. 2 No. 7 Dec. 1827 - Or Original Monthly Sermons from Living Ministers, Sermons XXVI. and - XXVII. by Elihu W. Baldwin;Aaron W. Leland
page 29 of 42 (69%)
page 29 of 42 (69%)
resurrection of _life_; and _they that have done evil_, unto the
resurrection of _damnation_". Thus broad and fearful is the discrimination which the great day will make between the righteous and the wicked. So entirely different are the awards in reserve for the two different classes of mankind. The difference will be great, as between holiness and sin; between cheerful submission to the will and providence of God, and unyielding rebellion against him; between cordial faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and wilful rejection of the only Saviour; between the splendour and joy of the celestial Paradise, and the gloominess and misery of hell. No wonder, then, that "as Paul reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled." There will, indeed, be fearful reason for "weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth," with those who shall then "see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and themselves thrust out." We are not to forget, my hearers, that these different awards of the judgment day will be _irreversible_ and literally _endless_. All admit this conclusion, with respect to the _righteous_. But if the righteous are _finally acquitted_ at the judgment, so are the wicked _finally condemned_. If the righteous are said to enter into "_life eternal_," so are the wicked to "go away into _everlasting punishment_." The Scriptures say not one word of any reprieve from this condemnation, or of any other period of merciful visitation. But they close with the most solemn assurance, that, from that awful day, he that is unjust shall be unjust still; and he that is filthy shall be filthy still; and he that is righteous shall be righteous still; and he that is holy shall be holy still. Other passages, of similar import, might be quoted: but if men will pour contempt on a single declaration of Jehovah--if they will _make God a liar_--they would not be persuaded, though his voice from the heavens were a thousand times repeated. And _because they receive |